TSTM April Challange 2020

The team at The Sustainable Training Method has decided to offer a monthly challenge. Each month we will work together to post a challenge associated with the 5-Pillars of Sustainable Health:

  1. Stress Management

  2. Rest and Recovery

  3. Diet

  4. Community

  5. Training

Our aim is to keep the challenges simply enough that you could include them in your daily lifestyle. If you can learn to change your behaviours you can learn to change your life. By installing positive habits over time we can create a healthy routine that delivers HUGE benefits.

If you have any question, comments or feedback we would love to hear it via email, Facebook or Instagram.

Let’s kick this off with the monthly challenge for April 2020

Every day for the month of April the aim is to complete:

10 rounds of:
:30sec Passive Squat
:30sec Active Squat
Rest as needed between rounds.

The feet must remain flat on the floor when holding both the passive and active squat.

During the passive squat allow the muscles to relax and the tailbone to be as close to the floor as mobility allows.

During the active squat focus on using the glutes (butt muscles) to pull the knees out, keep the chest up, and pull the shoulder blades back and down towards your back pockets.

Reaching the hands forward will help to improve the squat position by acting as a counterweight. The true benefits of this challenge come for the accumulation of reps over multiple weeks.

Find 10-20minutres in your day to complete the challenge and let us know how you get on.

How to warm-up for the squat challenge?

The following hip mobility sequence is a great way to warm-up for our April challenge.

What’s the purpose of this workout?

This workout is not designed to get you hot and sweaty, the purpose of this working if far more important.

  1. If you don't use it, you lose it

  2. If you don't train it, you won't gain it

If sustainable health is high on your list of values, you will drop the ego and use your training time in an effective way to improve your health, happiness and longevity.