Building Strength

Specific strength qualities for unlocking gymnastics skills. Part 1 : Relative Strength.

Specific strength qualities for unlocking gymnastics skills. Part 1 : Relative Strength.

To unlock gymnastics skills you need to be strong.

That's the main reason why a lot of adults struggle with gymnastic skills is a lack of strength.

They need to build strength?

But what strength quality do you need to train?  And how do you build specific strength for gymnastics?

Building Straight-Arm Scapular Strength Part 1: Awareness

Building Straight-Arm Scapular Strength Part 1: Awareness

I thought I was strong when I first started Gymnastics Strength Training (GST). I'd been lifting weights in the gym for years and increasing my squat, deadlift, chin-up, overhead press and bench numbers.

But it didn't prepare me for GST, especially Straight-Arm Scapular Strength (SASS) movements.

I couldn't hold a Tuck Planche.

I couldn't Skin The Cat or hold a Back or Front Lever.

I couldn't hold a Handstand.

I was strong. But what was I missing?