
Gymnastics strength training and wrist pain

Gymnastics strength training and wrist pain

A lot of gymnastics skill seekers experience wrist pain as they train to build strength, increase flexibility and unlock new gymnastics skills.

Gymnastics training requires a lot of wrist strength and flexibility.

Think about the wrist extension in push-ups, handstands and planche training.

Think about the wrist flexion in the false grip.

Balancing on your hands also requires a lot of wrist strength.

Popeye was a gymnastics skills seeker

Popeye was a gymnastics skills seeker

Today, I wanted to talk about forearms.

Whenever I think of forearms, the first character that comes to mind in Popeye.

I'm not going to tell you to eat your spinach so you can grow up to become a big and strong gymnast. But if you want to be able to perform sick gymnastics skills like handstands, planche, muscle-ups and forward rolls, you'll need to train your forearms.