What behaviours drive your personal training biz?

In the last post, I wrote about why business values are important and how they can help you grow your coaching business.  But, I ended the post by saying, I don't believe core business values in and of themselves will not transform your coaching business because:

  • They're too vague and meaningless.

  • They are cliche and not authentic.

  • No one is held accountable.

So what is the alternative?

Core business values are ideas that you may subscribe to, whereas core business behaviour are the actions you choose to take to move us closer to your business visions.

Establishing a clear strategic direction sets your coaching business up for success and gives you (and your term) a true sense of purpose.

If mission and purpose answer the question of why a business exists, values answer the question of how a business can achieve its visions and goals.


Core business behaviours are a much more actionable way of thinking about core values:

  • Think actions instead of ideas.

  • Think about the key behaviours that will drive your business forward.

  • Think about the daily habits that will lead to you business success.

As I wrote in the previous post "your business values will attract the type of clients who appreciate and value the same things."  The same applies for your Core Business Behaviours.

For example, a coaching business needs to maintain a high level of customer service to fulfil its purpose of helping people.

Being authentichonest and trustworthy are all fundamental customer service values.

But how do we live these values?

What actions can we take to drive these values and lead by example?

There are many different actions we could take. One possible action is to "practice what you preach." Authentic, honest and trustworthy are all supported by this actionable behaviour.

Building a successful coaching business requires curiositygrowthknowledge and problem-solving. But what is the action that drives these values? 

Could it be "have a growth mindset"?

As a service based business, it can be helpful to think about the behaviours that if done consistently will drive your business to succeed.

  • What actions do you need to take to build your dream business?

  • What are you passionate about?

  • What are the behaviours of your A-Team staff/clients/members?  What do they do that makes you want to clone them.

Your goal is to be clear on the behaviours that will help you succeed as a business owner and also help your ideal staff/clients/members succeeds as well.

The behaviours you choose must resonate with your business purpose, visions and mission. 

Questions that can be helpful are:

  • What behaviours will enable the business purpose or mission?

  • How do we want to show up in the world?

  • What do we believe, and what behaviours do we agree to live by? 

  • When we demonstrate this value, what action are we taking?

  • What behaviours are authentic to our business, and do they align with the business purpose, visions and mission?

  • How are we willing to live our values every day?

Take some time to reflect on these behaviours before finalising them.

  • Are these really the behaviours that you can live by and keep your staff/client/members accountable?

  • Are you committed to creating the habits that will cement these behaviours into the core of you business?

The Next Step:

After identifying your core business behaviours, it can be helpful to write a brief description of each behaviour that provides clarity to what action you want to see people take (including yourself).

Final Note:

Establishing a set of business behaviours is just the first step. Activating those behaviours is where a business can start to create true impact.

Then the fun part is turning these behaviour into habits and sharing these behaviours with your audience.

If you’re an experienced personal trainer who want to build and grow a sustainable business that give you both freedom and financial security, you’re going to want to check out The Protect The Asset Business Coaching Program.