Pike Flexibility Program For Non-Flexible Adults - Part 1

As we journey through midlife, it's common to experience a decline in physical performance coupled with an increase in muscle stiffness, joint discomfort, and the risk of injury.

Flexibility training emerges as a crucial tool in counteracting these effects, preserving and enhancing the joint range of motion essential for daily activities and injury prevention.

Throughout May, our newsletter will focus on pike flexibility, offering insights and training programs that can be easily implemented at home with minimal equipment.

Why pike flexibility?

This targeted training addresses prevalent midlife issues such as hamstring and lower back tightness, weak core compression, and hip flexors, often contributing to discomfort and lower back pain.

Integrating pike flexibility exercises into your routine can effectively alleviate hip stiffness and lower back pain, enhance posture, and elevate physical performance. Furthermore, prioritising flexibility training extends beyond physical benefits, offering profound mental health advantages like stress relief and relaxation, promoting overall well-being as men age with vitality and confidence.

Curious about where to start?

Our recommended milestone involves mastering a split stance RDL or split stance good morning, emphasising a straight front leg, a parallel torso to the floor, and a flat back.

This program, designed to be incorporated 1-2 times weekly, focuses on pelvic tilt, hip capsule space, calf and hamstring flexibility, and core compression strength.


A1. Piriformis Stretch, Kneeling

2 x [:30-45sec hold ea], rest :30

A2. Calf Stretch, Standing, Single-Leg, Ankle Dorsiflexed, PNF

2 x [3 x (:10sec contract + :10sec relax)ea], rest :30

B1. Core Compression, Standing Hip Flexion with Leg Extension

3 x [5-6reps with a 5sec hold in each rep], rest :60

B2. Pike Stretch, Elephant Walks

3 x [20Alternating Steps], rest :60

C1. Romanian Deadlift, Split Stance, Dumbbells

3 x [8-10reps with a 3sec hold in each rep], rest :60

C2. Pike Stretch, Squat to Pike, Block Crush

3 x [5-6reps with a 5sec hold in each pike], rest :60

Feel free to explore this effective program and reach out with any questions or for further guidance.

Additionally, if you find value in these sessions and desire ongoing flexibility training, consider joining our Midlife Mavericks community, where flexibility training is integrated into our comprehensive wellness approach.

If you’re looking for a FREE core compression and forward fold flexibility program for complete beginners, I suggest you check this out.