
How light exposure affects heart health.

How light exposure affects heart health.

As men in midlife, we're often reminded of the importance of maintaining our cardiovascular health to ensure vitality and longevity.

However, the conversation around heart health extends beyond traditional topics of nutrition and exercise.

Recently, while listening to Dr. Gabrielle Lyon's podcast featuring cardiologist Dr. Michael Twyman, I gained valuable insights into the role of light exposure in cardiovascular wellness.

Dr. Twyman emphasizes that cardiovascular health isn't just about what we eat or how often we exercise; it's also intricately linked to our circadian rhythm and light exposure.

5 Root Causes Of Midlife Gut Issues That Your Doctor Won't Know

5 Root Causes Of Midlife Gut Issues That Your Doctor Won't Know

Your gut health is linked to your overall health.  This makes sense because every cell in your body needs vital nutrients to survive and thrive.  Your gut’s ability to digest and absorb this critical nutrient is essential to your health and well-being. 

Constipation, diarrhoea, bloating, gas, abdominal pain, fatigue, skin irritations, vomiting, and sugar cravings are all signs that your gut isn't functioning as it should.

Keep stress at bay with mindful diaphragmatic breathing

Keep stress at bay with mindful diaphragmatic breathing

Left unchecked, stress can lead to headaches, weight gain, muscle tension, high blood pressure, sleep problems, and low libido, just to name but a few consequences. When stress becomes chronic the physiological responses can become destructive. The body starts to produce too much adrenaline too frequently which can lead to adrenal fatigue, leaving us tired, anxious and irritable. High levels of stress can suppress immune function [7], accelerate cellular ageing [6], and promoting an earlier onset of age-related diseases.