Mobility Awarness: FREE Hip Mobility Class


Do you find yourself;

  • Experiencing physical pain or discomfort around the lower back, hip or knee that you want to relieve?

  • Feel like you have tight hips or hamstrings?

  • not seeing any real improvements with your rehab exercises?

If you can relate to some of these this may be the class for you.

Better hips that most of us need - “Working with clients over the years it became clear that there are common mobility limitations shared amongst the majority of the general population. Whether the goal is to squat deeper, run faster, alleviate back pain, be stronger or have healthy hips that will allow you to continue living a pain-free lifestyle. You will find what is shared within the class is what I find most of us need to dedicate some time to work on in order to improve hip health and longevity”.

Regain ownership of your body - I am here to teach and empower you on how you can
independently manage any pain or discomfort you may be experiencing, learn to move safer
and begin to feel better so that you can keep doing the activities you love for longer.

Self-assess - Each class begins with joint exploration. This is fundamental as it will give us
valuable information such as what our joint does, how it feels and what it currently has access
to. This tool will allow you to become more efficient at measuring your own progress.

Improving mobility in a way that stretching alone cannot - Mobility training is strength
training. What that means is it is much more than just mindlessly holding a passive stretch, but
instead developing control through the use of variables such as tension, range, tempo, time and
effort to yield the long-lasting changes you are looking for.

Making the class specific to your needs - We all have specific movement needs and
limitations, with that in mind my classes can be scaled and adapted to suit the beginner straight
up to the experienced athlete. This is something you will learn to easily adjust for yourself as
your experience grows with the practice.

Below you will find the video to the class, I hope you enjoy and feel free to get in touch via email
or in the comments section of the video with any questions or feedback you may have and I will
get back to you as soon as possible. I’ll also keep you posted when I release the next class