Helena Kornel

Helena Kornel (@pescastrength)

VIA Strengths: Gratitude, Honesty, Perseverance, Bravery, & Appreciation of Beauty & Excellence
Location: United Kingdom

"I coach adults with no prior experience in gymnastics who want to learn bodyweight skills, improve strength and flexibility. They are desk-workers with limited time available for training who are motivated to work by themselves with guidance.

Most of my clients reach out to me for help learning to use their own body on rings, bars and floor. What they seek is someone with the competence to provide an efficient training plan that suits their schedules and the ability to support them in their journey.


Helena started her movement journey practicing Muay Thai and Crossfit, and soon realised both practices were not sustainable in the long run. While recovering from a low back injury, she started focusing on upper body strength training and noticed how weak and incapable of engaging her own muscles she was, and decided to take full control of her own body.

Helena now teaches gymnastics to both adults and children. She enjoys seeing how her students connect to themselves through the practice of bodyweight movements and her goal is to develop strength, mobility, motor control and proprioception at once.

In her process of education and self discovery the handstand occupies a place of honour. She appreciates the repetition and perseverance it takes to make progress and loves the feeling, so unusual in contemporary life, of being in balance.


  • Opex CCP level 1(Assessment, Program Design, Nutrition, Lifestyle, Business Systems)- James Fitzgerald

  • Personal Training Certificate level 3

  • Modern Methods of Mobility - Emmet Louis

  • Gymnastic Bodies level 1 - Cristopher Sommer

  • British Gymnastics Certificate

  • Poliquin PICP level 1

Poliquin PICP level 2

2018 Certified Conditioning Coach - Joel Jamieson

Opex Mixed Modal

Coaches and Mentors:

2013-ongoing Strength training with Stretch Rayner

2015-ongoing Handbalancing with Sammy Dinneen

Contact Helena: